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Law Regarding the Sovereign Head of the German Reich

1 August 1934

The Reich Government has enacted the following law which is hereby promulgated:

Section 1

The office of the Reichspraesident will be consolidated with that of the Reich Chancellor. The existing authority of the Reichspraesident shall consequently be transferred to the Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor, Adolph Hitler. He shall select his representative.

Section 2

This law is effective as of the time of the death of Reichspraesident von Hindenburg.

The Reich Chancellor
Adolf Hitler

The Reich Deputy
Chancellor von Papen

The Reich Minister of Foreign Affairs
Freiherr von Neurath

The Reich Minister of Interior

The Reich Minister of Finance
Graf Schwerin von Krosigk

The Reich Minister of Labor
Franz Seldte

The Reich Minister of Justice
Dr. Guertner

The Reich Minister for Defense
von Blomberg

The Reich Postal Minister and Transportation Minister
Freiherr von Eltz

The Reich Minister for Nutrition and Agriculture
R. Walther Darre

The Reich Minister for Enlightenment and Propaganda
Dr. Goebbels

The Reich Minister for Air Travel
Hermann Goering

The Reich Minister for Science, Training and Education
Bernhard Rust

The Reich Minister without Portfolio Rudolf Hess

The Reich Minister without Portfolio
Hanns Kerrl


Additional Info About the Source

Source: Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, Vol. 4. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1947. 2003-PS.


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