Open: Mon-Fri: 9AM to 5PM | Sat-Sun 11AM to 5 PM

Bus Scholarship Program

We are proud to offer support to schools through our Bus Scholarship Program to offset the cost of bus transportation for their visit to the Virginia Holocaust Museum (VHM). Teachers should follow the guidelines below to apply for bus funding. Incomplete applications cannot be processed, and all materials must be received at least 6 weeks before your trip.

General Information

  • Schools may apply for a VHM Bus Scholarship limited to one scholarship per classroom per year.
  • Award amounts are limited to $5,000 (maximum).
  • VHM Bus Scholarships only apply to middle and high school groups and cannot be used to cover transportation for camp groups, youth groups, civic organizations etc.
  • Bus Scholarships are used just to cover bus transportation to the Virginia Holocaust Museum.
  • The required minimum number of students is 50
  • Schools must have a tour scheduled with the Museum.
  • Schools are responsible for contacting and arranging bus transportation.
  • Schools are responsible for sending an invoice.
  • Funding is on a first come first serve basis and completing an application does not guarantee funding.
  • Schools receiving funding must be a minimum of 50+ miles away from the Virginia Holocaust Museum.


Application Step-by-Step Guide

Prior to Visit:

  • Book your school visit by completing Tour Request Form.
  • Arrange bus transportation and receive a quote.
  • Complete and submit the Bus Scholarship Application.
  • Schools will be notified by email of Bus Scholarship decision. In busy tour season this can sometimes take 1-2 weeks.
  • Schools are responsible for having the bus company submit an email invoice to
  • The invoice must be on the bus company letterhead. The invoiced amount must not be over the approved amount the school was awarded.
  • When the funding is awarded the school principal must sign an agreement prior to the Virginia Holocaust Museum paying the bus company invoice.


Important Notice

The school is responsible for any cancellation charges or any additional charges that may occur (cleaning etc.) beyond the invoice received.  If the invoice has been paid by the Virginia Holocaust Museum and the trip to the Museum and bus transportation has been cancelled, the school is responsible to reimburse the Museum for the funds already paid to the bus company.   


Partial funding for this project was made possible by an anonymous fund of the Richmond Jewish Foundation.


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