Open: Mon-Fri: 9AM to 5PM | Sat-Sun 11AM to 5 PM

Professional Development

Professional development opportunities for school systems and school staff are on-going and can be tailored to the needs of your educational community. A few possibilities within the Virginia Holocaust Museum are:

  • Full-day workshops, including a tour of the VHM and a workshop focusing on the teaching of the Holocaust.
  • Half-day workshops, including a tour of the VHM and an overview of available educational materials and opportunities for students
  • Workshops delivered by special guests


The Alexander Lebenstein Teacher Education Institute assists educators with their understanding of the Holocaust and genocide. Sessions focus on historical background and pedagogy which link to the Virginia Standards of Learning requirements. TEI is offered in partnership with Longwood University and is funded through generous teacher sponsorships.

A professor in a bright green dress is standing in front of the TEI classroom and teaching a packed class of educators.


Law Enforcement:  Ethics and Leadership Program focuses on the role of law enforcement during the Holocaust and the role that law enforcement plays today.  This 3-hour program is ideal for law enforcement at the local, state and federal level and includes:

  • A guided Museum tour
  • Presentation and discussion of the role of law enforcement during the Holocaust
  • An examination of the role of law enforcement in contemporary society
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